Giỏ hàng của bạn hiện có sản phẩm
Gía trị đơn hàng:
* Car rental fees is calculated by the hour and kilometer, depending on which condition comes first within Ho Chi Minh City area
+ Price listed not include VAT & toll road
* Surcharge overtime & km: 17,3 usd/1hr & 87cent/km
+ $108/4h/55km
+ $160/8h/100km
+ $267/4h/55km
+ $400/8h/100km
+ $2.175/4h/55km
+ $3.480/8h/100km
* Car rental fees is calculated by the hour and kilometer, depending on which condition comes first within Ho Chi Minh City area
+ Price included gas & driver
+ Price listed not include VAT & toll road
* Surcharge overtime & km: 17,3 usd/1hr & 87cent/km